What is the purpose of your life?
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What is the purpose of your life? (e-book)
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You are the most important person in your life!
Without you, existence itself would be incomplete.
You contribute *invaluably* to the perfection of the universe. You are THAT important!
Does this sound strange? Or even still: does it sound impossible to believe? Is the idea that YOU ARE INVALUABLE AND INDESCRIBABLY IMPORTANT seem too hard to accept?
Most of us are “conditioned” to reject our innate, priceless perfection. We’re told that if we view ourselves as the divine beings that we are, then we’ll be arrogant or self-centered.
But my friend, the truth is quite different!
There is nothing MORE HUMBLE than accepting your total, complete, inner-perfection! Why? Because once you accept this – truly accept this – then you also realize that you have a job to do in this life. You have a special responsibility to discharge – and ONLY you can do it.
Every soul is a necessary link in the wholeness of the universe and has a unique and specific mission to accomplish in the cosmic theatre.
- If living hurts
- If you don’t feel peaceful inside
- If you have the feeling that “there has to be more than this”
- If you continuously ask questions about the meaning of life
- If you are plagued by unrest and uncertainty
- If you feel unhappy about choices you have made in life
- If you have reached crossroads but don’t know which direction to turn
- If you feel over-worked and bad-tempered, even while you seem to have everything to be happy
- If you feel your life is filled with all kinds of things you don’t really like
Then you haven’t found the purpose of your life yet and this training course is exactly what you need!
This course (68 pages) is a practical program consisting of 45 concrete exercises that guide you to discover the real goal of your life!
It is every individual’s responsibility to discover and complete his task. Abundance goes to those who seek in earnest!
No – wait, please. I don’t mean the kind of responsibility that makes you think of something miserable, or tiring, or even just plain boring. I mean something altogether more wonderful.
I’m talking about the UNBELIEVABLE JOY that emerges into your life when you discover your PURPOSE. And you only find your purpose when you accept that you are here for a reason! You are not here on this earth “at random.” Existence doesn’t make mistakes. You are here for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and your task in this life is to find that purpose and to ACT ON IT. When you do, you grace the universe with your presence. You, literally, make the universe smile.
So, let me ask you clearly: are you ready to FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? Are you ready to explore your rich inner-landscape and discover who you were MEANT to be and what you were DESIGNED to do? Are you ready to experience a level of inspiration, enthusiasm, joy, and LOVE that you’ve only dreamed about?
Yes – you are! And that’s why I’m encouraging you to go DEEPER into your essential purpose by following the steps of “WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE”. In this full-blown ebook, you’ll find 45 powerful exercises, extensive advice, and many more opportunities to “spark” your true creative purpose.
My goal is to make my teaching as widely available as possible. I don’t feel that only wealthy people should be able to “afford” transformative healing and life-changing insights. That’s why my book is priced to be affordable to people of all situations: young, elderly, employed, unemployed, professional, student…all are welcome!
Yes indeed: it’s time for you to put away those limiting notions of who you thought you were. Up until now, you may have thought you were just “another person” on a crowded planet, struggling to fill the space between birth and death.
With the help of “WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE” you’ll have access to the deeper you that is your very PERFECTION.
After all, you were born to be SO MUCH MORE! You are perfection. You are bliss. You are how the universe and creation experiences itself. You are the only YOU in the totality of existence. You are more priceless, more valuable, and more wonderful than anything you can imagine. This isn’t just “motivational thinking.” This is a FACT!
It’s time for you to experience your greatness. It’s time for you to discover your purpose in life! Click the link below, and you can start your journey instantly.
Welcome to the brand new you!
"I bought your book: life your life on Purpose/finding your mission: and it has been the most informative, inspirational message/e book I have ever read. It is helping me make my BIG decisions, I have been in the same career for 20 years, and now I am pursuing the real me interests and doing it with Confidence that God will open a door for me personally. You accomplished your mission in helping others to find their
true calling. Thank you and God bless you and Keep up the inspirational messages! I cannot wait to order you next e book."
Jackie P.
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